the Northern California
Chapter President
Count Down to the Fall Conference
One Conference to Rule Them All. I'm proud and excited to report that the Northern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute is hosting its 66th Annual Fall Conference in 6 days, October 19th in San Francisco. Since its inception in 1950, our Fall Conference has grown to become the premier educational and networking event for real estate appraisers in Northern California. This conference provides a forum for over 250 real estate economic practitioners to share our common professional interests, network, attain required continuing education, and receive information from experts with specialized experience. This year, 12 individual sessions cover a broad range of topics to assist in our ability to expand services, comply with applicable standards and client expectations, and keep up with changing market trends.
Appreciation is extended to Fall Conference Chair Stan Tish, MAI, and nearly 20 volunteer members on the Fall Conference committee, who continue to support the mission and spirit of the Chapter's efforts to serve the profession and continue the legacy of the grandfather of all conferences on the West Coast. Please follow this link to view the great conference content. If you are not able to attend, I encourage you to consider showing your support by participating as a conference sponsor. It's a "win-win" for everyone.
We Have a Mission
The Chapter's mission statement has been finalized to read as follows:
"To serve and advance the property economics profession, our Designated Members, Candidates for Designation, and Affiliates through guidance, education, professional development, and support in achieving designations."
Volunteers of Distinction
Outstanding Chapter Service Awards are presented to members who have contributed in multiple roles in our Chapter. Several members have contributed greatly this year, but Carole Laval, SRA, Denis DeSaix, MAI, SRA, and Stan Tish, MAI, have contributed beyond the call of duty. Join me in congratulating them for their outstanding chapter service.
The Gold Standard Achievement
Congratulations to all those receiving new designations. Chapter candidates continue achieving their goals of designation at a record pace. In the first 9 months of the year, chapter candidates have been awarded 24 MAI, 4 SRA, and 3 AI-GRS designations.
Serving the Residential Appraisal Community
By all accounts, our Residential Symposium on August 5, 2016 was a resounding success. Registrants included both AI and non-AI residential appraisers. Reviews were extremely positive and the consensus was that this annual event is well positioned to become a solid educational option for the residential appraisal community. Special thanks to Seminar Chairs Denis DeSaix, MAI, SRA, and Paul Chandler, MAI, for making it happen for the second year in a row.
Chapter Workshop & Professional Development
On September 15, 2016, we hosted a special Chapter Workshop at the Lafayette Library. Many thanks to Richard Betts, MAI, SRA, ASA, for sharing personal experiences on one of my favorite topics, "Finding Evidence to Estimate a Loss in Value." Our Conservation Easement course was also a great success. We had attendees from across the nation, including Indiana, Nebraska, Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina, New Jersey, and Puerto Rico. Participants were appreciative of the opportunity to attend this limited offered course, and hope to return to the area for more Northern California classes.
Branch Activity
Our Chapter includes a large geographic region consisting of seven individual branch chapters serving over 500 appraisers within our membership. Branch chapter news includes a great turnout and program in the North Bay on September 1. Thanks to Megan Edwards and Sean Lim - as over 40 attendees benefited from timely regional content and a great rooftop social at the new and stunning American AgCredit building near Sonoma County airport. Bruce Mendenhall, SRA, has been doing a great job searching for new ways to keep the small Monterey Bay Branch Chapter active by hosting a two-hour CE workshop presented by Denis DeSaix, MAI, SRA. The Central California Branch Chapter, led by Greg Addington, MAI, is scheduled to host a comprehensive 6-hour continuing education seminar on Ecological Assets, Compensatory Mitigation Properties and Conservation Easements on November 3 in Fresno. Other Branches have held socials, and several are planning something during the holidays. Look for opportunities to share holiday cheer with local AI colleagues.
Looking Ahead
The chapter is focused on providing useful chapter-developed programs not currently being offered at other forums. This year we are pleased to introduce a new format for the Commercial Symposium with a focus on Appraising Unique and Special Purpose Properties. The Commercial Symposium will be held at Oakland's Preservation Park, on December 9th. Special thanks to Terry Larson, MAI, and the committee for assembling five great sessions. Special use properties to be presented this year include: Public land and open space land appraisal, appraising gas stations, airport property appraisal, and data center appraisal and allocation of value. Additional programs being offered by the Chapter include two Qualifying Education courses (Basic Appraisal Principles and Basic Appraisal Procedures), three seminars (Residential Applications Part 2: Using Microsoft Excel, 4-Hour Federal & California Statutory and Regulatory Laws, and FHA Single Family Housing Requirements).
Chapter Representation
Our Chapter continues to be well represented on a regional and national basis. In late July, chapter members attended the Regional Meeting and Annual Appraisal Institute Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina. Those attending the Regional Meeting and/or the Annual Appraisal Institute Conference included: Paul Chandler, MAI, Denis DeSaix, MAI, SRA, Melissa Downing, MAI, Jeff Enright, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, Michael Lockard, MAI, Craig Owyang, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, Kathryn Sturgis-Bright, MAI, and Tim Runde, MAI.
In addition, Chapter Vice President Gene Williams, MAI, attended the Chapter Leadership Program (CLP) in Chicago last month in preparation for leading the chapter in 2017. While in attendance, Gene accepted the "Hot Topics Award" in recognition of the Northern California Chapter's achievements in monitoring important issues that affect not only its own professionals, but also the rest of the local valuation community. Thank you to everyone who contributed to helping the Chapter receive this prestigious award.
Final Words
As I travel to regional meetings, I'm reminded by national leadership that our Chapter is grouped among the best in the nation. We are extremely fortunate that our chapter provides great opportunities for everyone. We hope you continue to support the mission and spirit of the Chapter's efforts to serve the profession and provide meaningful chapter benefits by supporting our conferences and chapter-developed programs, volunteer to assist with an education offering or chapter committee, and participate in some way as a sponsor for one of the more than 60 events that the Northern California Chapter presents each year.
Best wishes for a prosperous season!
Michael Lockard, MAI
2016 President
Appraisal Institute
Northern California Chapter
[email protected]